I also took some time to take some pictures as to how I make up my mind when I am changing colors on the fly. There's nothing really planned about it, I just grab what I think looks good and even if I pull a bunch of stuff, sometimes I do not even use what I've pulled and change it to something else completely. :)
So, for your viewing pleasure, a walk through of how I chose the colors for the Winter Fattie:
This is the plastic container that I have that holds all of my non DMC fibers. It includes metallics and silks and anything else that I can use to stitch with that isn't DMC ;). As you can see, it is very well organized. (Ahem! :D)

Here is the buttons and beads and what all. Basically, the non-fibers bin:

Hrm...I *thought* I had a carrot nose button in here somewhere!

What I wound up choosing between the two bins:

And here is the completed block! :)

And here it is all completed!

I really, really had a LOT of fun stitching this SAL up and I hate to see it come to an end. For a recap, here is what I used on each part:
Design: Four Seasons Fatties SAL for Message Board Members ONLY
Designer: Sandra Dering of SanMan Originals
Fabric: 28 count white evenweave (possibly Lugana)
Overview notes: Part One Border Fibers:
Fibers: Main border in DMC 310
Spring wording used Crescent Colours Summer Spray, border in Anchor 242
Summer wording used Crescent Colours in Cupid, border in Anchor 246
Fall wording used Anchor 359, border in Crescent Colours Tangerine
Winter wording used Crescent Colours Blue Moon, border in Crescent Colours Grannie Annie.
Part Two Spring Block fibers used:
Bunneh in DMC 938
Inside of Bunneh ears, heart and butterfly under the letter S in one strand of DMC 605 and one strand of Kreinik #092 pink
Flower petals in Anchor #118, center of flower and second butterfly in Anchor #292, stem in Anchor #209, grass in Anchor 244.
Kreinik #001 silver blending filament for butterfly antennae.
Backstitching in DMC 605, one strand
Part Three Summer Block Fibers Used:
DMC 310 for black stripes on bee
Anchor 310 for branches, 244, for leaves, 359 for nest, 295 for yellow stripes on bee, 147 for heart on bee.
Glisten Gloss Metallic in #SP01; silver for bee's wings
Accoutrement: Mill Hill beads in #62031 Old Gold; Just Another Button Company bluebird button
Part Four Autumn Block Fibers Used:
Fibers: DMC numbers 51, 111, 115, 310, and 317. Anchor numbers 295 and 801. Kreinik Very Fine Braid #4 in 150V.
Accouterments: Mill Hill beads in in #00556.
Part Five Winter Block fibers:
Fibers: DMC 3756, Soie d'Alger #1415, Needle Necessities # 110 and 1441, Needle Necessities #8 overdyed braid in #2010, and Glisten Gloss #SP01 in silver.
Accouterments: Mill Hill Treasures #12184 Crescent Moon crystal and #12051 Crystal Blue bird.
Not sure what I am going to turn this into, whether a wall hanging, a no sew cube, pillow or what have you. I will however, post pictures ones the project is completed. :)
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day. I need more coffee and I need to get out the Summer Side project and finish that up, although, the Paris Sampler is calling my name. :P
Respectfully submitted,
Love ur Fatties! I haven't got the courage to try out different colors yet. I am starting to choose colors for another SAL though. I like ur stash supplies.
Sweet as can be. You did a fabulous job!
Congratulations on a super-cute finish!
Your Four Seasons Fatties look great, the colors are really nice! I have all the patterns but am trying to increase my number of finishes and decrease my number of started projects! lol
Great job, Cindy!!! Thanks for sharing your journey!
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