Since I finished Summer Side yesterday afternoon, I pulled the fabric and threads for Autumn Side. I've barely started, so I won't be posting pics of that, just what I grabbed at the time. :P
Here's what I've decided on:
Fibers: DMC cottons, DMC Light Effects, Kreinik Very Fine Braid. I need some beads and some buttons, but I'm lacking in good autumn buttons. Hrmph. I will have to rectify that I suppose! :P
The fabric is a 28 count Monaco that I hand dyed. I call the color Guinness Foam Cream. ;)

Well, I best be off. The Hubmeister is shooing me off to the shower so we can get going. Happy May Day to you all and may the flowers be plentiful and the sun be warm upon you! :)
Respectfully submitted,
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