On November 1 of this year, one of my absolute favorite designers, Sandy of Sanman Originals, announce via her message board that due to health reasons she was closing down the message board and discontinuing designing. While I understand her reasons for doing so (one's health takes precedence), I am saddened to hear of the discontinuation of the message board and no more of her lovely designs.
I would, however, like to share one of my favorite memories of the board, the making of the quilt the members did for her. While I do not recall exactly why the quilt was made (I am thinking it may have been a thank you gift for all that she had done for us), I do remember that once all of the squares were stitched, it was sewn together by MrsB one of the members of the message board. She had chosen the most beautiful blue fabric and it really set off the stitching to its' full potential.
Here are some photographs of the quilt:
My square:
Well, I best be off. I have a ton of things to do tonight. Thank you for indulging me my trip down SMO memory lane! :)
Respectfully submitted,
Thanks for the trip down memory lane. The quilt was before my time and it looks amazing. What a fantastic keepsake..:)
Thank you so much for the walk down memory lane. My square is "May Luck bloom for you" in the bottom right corner. Hard to believe that was 9 years ago. Sandy & Big T will be truly missed.
Thank you for posting the pictures of the quilt. I too will miss our beloved Sandy and her wonderful designs. :(
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