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My online journal of stitchy chores and the occasional hockey talk.

2018 Finishes

1. Let It Snow by Barbara Ana Designs. Finished Wednesday, January 24, 2018

2. Victorian Thistles bookmark by Textile Heritage. Finished Wednesday, February 21, 2018

3. Keep Love by Shepherd’s Bush. Finished Saturday, February 24, 2018

4. Fleur d’Orleans by Ink Circles. Finished Wednesday, March 7, 2018

5. A Little Gray Hare by Lizzie Kate. Finished Thursday, March 15, 2018

6. March Cake by Brooke’s Books. Finished Monday, March 26, 2018

7. April Cake by Brooke’s Books. Finished Wednesday, May 2, 2018

8. May Cake by Brooke’s Books. Finished Tuesday, May 29, 2018

9. Japanese Anemones by Sheila Hudson. Finished Tuesday, June 12, 2018

10. The Lily Of The Valley by Blackbird Designs. Finished Wednesday, June 27, 2018

11. A Slice of Summer by Waxing Moon Designs. Finished Wednesday, July 11, 2018

12. Sweet Tulip by Jeannette Douglas Designs. Finished Tuesday, July 24, 2018

13. Autumn’s Bounty by Black Star Designs. Finished Monday, August 20, 2018

14. Caramel Apple by Mill Hill. Finished Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Number of Finishes By Year-

1. 2008 Finishes -10

2. 2009 Finishes- 21

3. 2010 Finishes- 49

4. 2011 Finishes- 26

5. 2012 Finishes- 35

6. 2013 Finishes- 7

7. 2014 Finishes- 19

8. 2015 Finishes- 61

9. 2016 Finishes- 50

10. 2017 Finishes- 30

11. 2018 Finishes-

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Takedown Twenty And A Compromise

I got Sea Flora back out and ran into another wee snag. Two of the purples are a shade and a half off of one another. And me being me, I have managed to lose my place. So, it's time to drop 20 and punt. I decided to start at the very top and then work my way down. I am also treating the project very much like Mermaid Azure  from last year, and I am beading as I go in order to stay on track. Sea Flora will be a weekend only project, methinks. This way, I can concentrate and not have to worry about being pulled away elsewhere. 

I have some grand plans for this one, as the stitch count is horribly off of the actual chart and the fabric is way short. In the end, I think it will be worth it as she will truly be one of a kind! :)

Well, here is where she is at the present moment:

Design: Sea Flora #NC194

Designer: Nora Corbett for Wichelt Imports

Fibers: DMC Six Strand Embroidery Floss Art. 117  in B5200, 154, 156, 211, 333, 747, 754, 838,  951, 959, 964, 3371, 3746, 3807 and 3847. 

Bling Used: Mill Hill beads 00252, 02008, 03044, 40020, and 18829

As of Sunday, May 10, 2015:

As of Sunday, May 31, 2015:

I have a second project picked out to work on during the week. It's another one from the Bin O'Shame. Once completed, that will mean I have finished 20 out of said Bin O'Shame for the year. That will surpass my previous record and get me within shouting distance of the official goal of 25 for the year. I will probably do another statistical post at that point, just to see where things are. I am so happy that these projects are getting worked up. I will be even happier when I get down to just the HAEDs! :) 

Well, here is the work week project, #20 from the Bin O'Shame:

Design: Japanese Anemones

Designer: Sheila Hudson 

Fabric: 14 count summer yellow aida by Wichelt 

Fibers Used: As provided in the kit. There are no DMC or Anchor numbers on the floss, so I will have to do a match at some point, as I want to stitch this one again as it's so bright and cheery. This is the cover kit from issue 187, June 2007 UK Cross Stitcher magazine. 

Front Cover Of The Magazine:

When picked back up on Friday, May 29, 2015:

As of Sunday, May 31, 2015:

What it will eventually look like:

Sheila Hudson passed away in 2008 after a period of illness. I miss her and her designs so much. She has wonderful shading techniques and her work looks gorgeous on either aida or evenweaves, plain fabric or hand/over dyed fabric. She created pieces with depth and color, with nary a quarter stitch nor backstitch in sight. I have stitched others in her body of work and I have her Fairy Tale Castle from the February 2004 issue 101 of Cross Stitch Collection magazine that is in my 'Rare, OOP and HTF' pile to do:

A wonderful lady from the UK bought this for me and sent it to me years ago. I am hoping that next year's stitching theme will be the 'Rare, OOP and HTF' year and I can finally get to stitch this beauty. I think keeping up with the projects from the Bin O'Shame and interspersing the year with the Rare, OOP and HTF charts would be a good stitching year indeed. 

Well, I have rambled on long enough. It's time to get some things put away and the desk cleaned out. With all of these projects I have managed to finish up, it's gotten frightfully unorganized. I hope everyone is having a great weekend and I wish you all a happy and prosperous week ahead! :)


Respectfully submitted,


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