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My online journal of stitchy chores and the occasional hockey talk.

2018 Finishes

1. Let It Snow by Barbara Ana Designs. Finished Wednesday, January 24, 2018

2. Victorian Thistles bookmark by Textile Heritage. Finished Wednesday, February 21, 2018

3. Keep Love by Shepherd’s Bush. Finished Saturday, February 24, 2018

4. Fleur d’Orleans by Ink Circles. Finished Wednesday, March 7, 2018

5. A Little Gray Hare by Lizzie Kate. Finished Thursday, March 15, 2018

6. March Cake by Brooke’s Books. Finished Monday, March 26, 2018

7. April Cake by Brooke’s Books. Finished Wednesday, May 2, 2018

8. May Cake by Brooke’s Books. Finished Tuesday, May 29, 2018

9. Japanese Anemones by Sheila Hudson. Finished Tuesday, June 12, 2018

10. The Lily Of The Valley by Blackbird Designs. Finished Wednesday, June 27, 2018

11. A Slice of Summer by Waxing Moon Designs. Finished Wednesday, July 11, 2018

12. Sweet Tulip by Jeannette Douglas Designs. Finished Tuesday, July 24, 2018

13. Autumn’s Bounty by Black Star Designs. Finished Monday, August 20, 2018

14. Caramel Apple by Mill Hill. Finished Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Number of Finishes By Year-

1. 2008 Finishes -10

2. 2009 Finishes- 21

3. 2010 Finishes- 49

4. 2011 Finishes- 26

5. 2012 Finishes- 35

6. 2013 Finishes- 7

7. 2014 Finishes- 19

8. 2015 Finishes- 61

9. 2016 Finishes- 50

10. 2017 Finishes- 30

11. 2018 Finishes-

Thursday, July 30, 2015

A Second Organizational Post

I am not sure about anyone else, however, when I don't feel well and cannot concentrate on stitching, there are times when I clean and organize. This was one of those times. I conducted an inventory on not only the Bin O'Shame as it is now, but those bins that have things kitted up and are waiting to be stitched. I figured that I was due for one in the five months since the first organizational post back in February

In that post, I had the following in the Bin O'Shame:

38 in the Small Bin O'Shame 

38 in the large Bin O'Shame 

11 in their own storage bins, 6 of those are Heaven and Earth Designs of various sizes and starts. :)

One queued up in my desk.

One in the Q-Snaps.
Total: 89.

Some of the projects were removed for various reasons such as re-stitching on a different fabric or I had lost the chart (more than likely as not I probably gave it away!). This left a total of about 81 or so projects that needed to be stitched up. I had set a goal for myself to stitch 25 of these projects before the end of the year. I accomplished that goal on Saturday, July 25, 2015 by completing the project that was to have been my father's 51st birthday gift Since then, I have completed one more and I am hoping to get to 30 before the end of the year. I have set aside those projects that could conceivably be stitched within the next 154 days. If I do not manage to make that goal, I am ok with that, as I managed to get the original 25 completed. Anything else is icing on the cake. :)

At this moment in time, here is what I have managed to accomplish from Tuesday, February 24, until today, Thursday, July 30, 2015:

As of Tuesday, July 28, 2015:
Original Total: 89
Removed 7 for various reasons, leaving 81 as the final total. 
26 stitched as of Friday, June 26, 2015.
Total Left: 56

Total stitched from both Bin O’Shame and Non Bin O’Shame finishes: 36 as of Saturday, July 25, 2015.

Then, naturally, being the glutton for punishment that I apparently am, I took inventory of the projects that I have kitted up and ready to go. I literally had no clue that is was this bad. I am seriously considering going through them again, and weeding some out. This obsession/hobby/addiction that I have has become totally out of bounds. Case in point: 

24 in small bin #1

17 in small bin #2

13 in small bin #3

31 in large blue bin

Total: 85

HAEDs kitted up and ready to go: 7

Combined total: 92

Combined total with Bin O'Shame projects: 148


I could stop buying things now and would never run out of stuff to stitch. I really should be ashamed of myself, but oddly I am not. I really am hoping to stitch at least a good portion of this mess I have gotten myself in. Next year, I am sincerely hoping to accomplish the following:

1. Pare down the Bin O'Shame projects down even more. Although I am rapidly running out of projects that will be quick to finish up, I would like to see at least 10 more gone from that bin. (I'd be even happier if I could get it down to just the HAEDs I have started!). 

2. Begin wading through the ones that are waiting to be stitched. There is no way on the face of God's green earth I am going to get 148 finished up in even 2 years, but a small dent would be nice. 

3. Stitch the following project from the Holding Pattern Bin:

A. Lady of the Flag by Mirabilia

B. Nautical Map by Maria Diaz

C. Flapper Lady by Joan Elliott

D. Fairy Tale Castle (Neuschwanstein) by Sheila Hudson

E. Any of the Primitive Needle OOP/Rare charts that I have

F. Any of the Prairie Schooler patterns that I have

The next few stitching years should be fairly interesting, to say the least. I know that if I do not get serious with paring down soon, I will *have* to do it within the next couple of years. I'm not getting any younger, and one must be realistic about these things. I will probably wait until I get another urge to paw through stash again. Then I suppose I need to figure out if I am going to sell through my blog or just have contests. So, watch this space! :D

Well, I had best be off. Tons of stuff to do. Hope everyone has a great weekend! 


Respectfully submitted,



Kaisievic said...

Oh, you are not alone! I cannot even contemplate counting up my WIPs and UFOs - an impossibly high number, I suspect - lol! Just enjoy the stitching and look at how much you have accomplished this year! Well done!

Irene said...

Ci sono anch'io! Ho fatto un proposito per settembre, di smaltire tutte le scorte, wip, ufo, di finire tutto quello che ho in giro. Insieme ce la faremo!