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My online journal of stitchy chores and the occasional hockey talk.

2018 Finishes

1. Let It Snow by Barbara Ana Designs. Finished Wednesday, January 24, 2018

2. Victorian Thistles bookmark by Textile Heritage. Finished Wednesday, February 21, 2018

3. Keep Love by Shepherd’s Bush. Finished Saturday, February 24, 2018

4. Fleur d’Orleans by Ink Circles. Finished Wednesday, March 7, 2018

5. A Little Gray Hare by Lizzie Kate. Finished Thursday, March 15, 2018

6. March Cake by Brooke’s Books. Finished Monday, March 26, 2018

7. April Cake by Brooke’s Books. Finished Wednesday, May 2, 2018

8. May Cake by Brooke’s Books. Finished Tuesday, May 29, 2018

9. Japanese Anemones by Sheila Hudson. Finished Tuesday, June 12, 2018

10. The Lily Of The Valley by Blackbird Designs. Finished Wednesday, June 27, 2018

11. A Slice of Summer by Waxing Moon Designs. Finished Wednesday, July 11, 2018

12. Sweet Tulip by Jeannette Douglas Designs. Finished Tuesday, July 24, 2018

13. Autumn’s Bounty by Black Star Designs. Finished Monday, August 20, 2018

14. Caramel Apple by Mill Hill. Finished Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Number of Finishes By Year-

1. 2008 Finishes -10

2. 2009 Finishes- 21

3. 2010 Finishes- 49

4. 2011 Finishes- 26

5. 2012 Finishes- 35

6. 2013 Finishes- 7

7. 2014 Finishes- 19

8. 2015 Finishes- 61

9. 2016 Finishes- 50

10. 2017 Finishes- 30

11. 2018 Finishes-

Monday, February 22, 2016

1K Sunday

This weekend was a two project weekend. I wanted to 'touch base' with another project that has fallen by the wayside and attempt to get caught up with the challenge that Michelle Sayetta of Heaven and Earth Designs had issued on the official Heaven and Earth Designs Facebook group. Or at least put a dent into it :). 

The first WIP was picked up on Friday and continued on into Saturday. It is a monochrome that I had started back last year after my poor Ozzy had left me. I had set it aside as I wasn't 'into' it. I figured almost 6 months in the Bin O'Shame was probably long enough. I will probably have to get more Gloriana Threads  12 strand French silk floss in #079 Monet's Pond (Lot: T17/12148) for this project as I am rapidly running low. I have a great deal more to stitch and I do not think I will have enough. 

Sunday's project was the challenged thatMichelle Sayetta of Heaven and Earth Designs had issued on the official Heaven and Earth Designs Facebook group. This particular challenge was 1000 stitches in stair step stitching

I chose QS Maleficent/Evil Queen as my project as I wanted to get more stitching time put in on her. I love the colors that are used in this project and she really is a fun project. 

Yesterday, I managed to finally get around to the challenge. I also managed to get all 1000 stitches in during the afternoon. It helped that there were large blocks of one color. Had these sections been all confetti stitching, I probably would not have gotten so far :). 

Well, here they are. My two projects for the weekend:

WIP #1:

Design: Jardin Mythique

Designer: Danielle Chevallier of Danybrod

Fabric Used36 count Edinburgh linen in White

Fibers Used: Gloriana Threads  12 strand French silk floss in #079 Monet's Pond (Lot: T17/12148)

Stitcher's Notes: Began Friday, September 11, 2015. Will not be stitching the alphabet and outer border. 

As of Wednesday, September 16, 2015:

As of Monday, February 22, 2016:

WIP #2:

Design: QS Maleficent/Evil Queen 

Designer: Michelle Sayetta of Heaven and Earth Designs. Based on the original artwork of Annya Kai

Fabric: 22 count Antique White aida by Wichelt

Fibers: DMC as called for in the chart

Stitcher's Notes: Began Saturday, January 24, 2015. The Quick Stitch for this design is no longer available for purchase at this time. The chart was originally called Maleficent, however, this was changed at some point. 

As of Monday, November 23, 2015:

As of Monday, February 22, 2016:

Time for me to bolt for the door. I hope everyone had a great weekend. 


Respectfully submitted,


1 comment:

CalamityJr said...

Wow - that's a lot of stitching. Kudos to you! I especially like the Monet's Pond silk. My favorite shade that I've stitched with is Monet's Garden, a DMC variegated thread and quite similar. Thanks for sharing!