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My online journal of stitchy chores and the occasional hockey talk.

2018 Finishes

1. Let It Snow by Barbara Ana Designs. Finished Wednesday, January 24, 2018

2. Victorian Thistles bookmark by Textile Heritage. Finished Wednesday, February 21, 2018

3. Keep Love by Shepherd’s Bush. Finished Saturday, February 24, 2018

4. Fleur d’Orleans by Ink Circles. Finished Wednesday, March 7, 2018

5. A Little Gray Hare by Lizzie Kate. Finished Thursday, March 15, 2018

6. March Cake by Brooke’s Books. Finished Monday, March 26, 2018

7. April Cake by Brooke’s Books. Finished Wednesday, May 2, 2018

8. May Cake by Brooke’s Books. Finished Tuesday, May 29, 2018

9. Japanese Anemones by Sheila Hudson. Finished Tuesday, June 12, 2018

10. The Lily Of The Valley by Blackbird Designs. Finished Wednesday, June 27, 2018

11. A Slice of Summer by Waxing Moon Designs. Finished Wednesday, July 11, 2018

12. Sweet Tulip by Jeannette Douglas Designs. Finished Tuesday, July 24, 2018

13. Autumn’s Bounty by Black Star Designs. Finished Monday, August 20, 2018

14. Caramel Apple by Mill Hill. Finished Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Number of Finishes By Year-

1. 2008 Finishes -10

2. 2009 Finishes- 21

3. 2010 Finishes- 49

4. 2011 Finishes- 26

5. 2012 Finishes- 35

6. 2013 Finishes- 7

7. 2014 Finishes- 19

8. 2015 Finishes- 61

9. 2016 Finishes- 50

10. 2017 Finishes- 30

11. 2018 Finishes-

Friday, March 18, 2016

Time Spent With A Mermaid

I suppose I should be stitching other things, but I just don't feel like it. I had grand plans to make the Easter Fairy the sixth finish from the infamous Bin O'Shame, but I don't think it will be finished by Easter this year. However, in my defense, Easter is way early, being on the 27th of March this year. I suppose as long as I finish it before May 28th, I will be ok. The last time the Easter Fairy was touched was on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. That will make two years since it was touched, and it really does need finishing. I decided that she will not have the wings on her, as I hate the colors that were chosen. They really do not blend well with the soft purples and yellows in the design, and I would rather just leave them off as I did the Christmas Fairy. Honestly, I think I am going to finish the entire Holiday Fairy series as Holiday Ladies, instead of 'fairies'. For whatever reason, I cannot seem to get the wings to look right, so I'm just going to leave them off. Doing so also makes for a faster finish, and that cannot be discounted! :)

In the meantime, in between time, I am still visiting with Ocean Daughter. I love the color combination. It is so soothing. I am taking my time, just meandering along. It's nice to just sort of go with the flow, without the frantic pace that last year entailed. I also seem to have come down with an acute case of burnout on Motifs Abécédaire 30. The colors are pretty and I love the sampler, I'm just...well, over it, for lack of better terminology. The lower portion has a ton of the Au Ver a Soie Soie 100/3 Spun Silk in 663. I suppose I just do not want to stitch that color. I will finish it, never fear! :)

At any rate, here is my progress on Ocean Daughter by Who Knew?!: 

Design: Ocean Daughter (retired)

Designer: Who Knew?! (Retired as of 2012. Formerly distributed by Picture This Plus)

Fibers Used: Au Ver À Soie  Soie d'Alger in #205 (Paon)

Stitcher's Notes: Began Monday, March 14, 2016. Chart picked up as part of birthday bash. Substituted the fabric ( Crystal Lagoon 32 count Belfast) and the Crescent Colours Belle Soie silk (Bejeweled).  Who Knew?! used Alison Tanner’s Mermaid and Garden Fairy stencils which were available at the time from Stensource International (which is now part of Quilting Creations). Stitched with one strand of silk over two fabric threads. 

As of Wednesday, March 16, 2016:

As of Friday, March 18, 2016:

Time to go. The day is a-wastin' and I need to go grab a cuppa. :)

Happy weekend to you all!


Respectfully submitted,


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